Section outline

    • This is a two-week assignment as part of the Great Doctrines of the Bible.  The lesson teaches how God in His loving kindness made provisions for salvation regarding the fall of mankind.  

      A Note Concerning the H. Roscoe University - This study course contains Chapter Quizzes and a Final Exam – noted in # 2 below.


      Class Projects:

      To pass this course, you will need to complete the following:

       1. Fill-in all the notes in the lesson that are blank.

       2. Write a 3 page report on one of the following subjects:  Final Exam

       a.      How to prove Calvinism wrong (you have to explain first just what Calvinism teaches, and then clearly prove it wrong from the Bible

      b.      The Eternal Security of the Believer

      c.   The sure signs that a person is home again

      3.  Memorize the Scripture verses that will be announced throughout the course

    • Opened: Kuwa kabiri, 27 Gashyantare 2024, 12:00 AM
      Due: Kuwa mbere, 11 Werurwe 2024, 12:00 AM

      You have two weeks to complete this assignment.  Write a 3 page report on one of the following subjects:  Final Exam.  

      You may upload the file here, type it in-text, or email it to me @